The Right Time Is A Myth

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Life isn’t about waiting for the right time to come. It’s all about doing all the right things in the time that is given to you.

Have many times have you put off doing something because you are waiting for the right time? The truth is it does not exist, it is a myth.

I spent 11 years in an abusive marriage, I knew for my safety and sanity I needed to leave, my children were suffering emotionally yet still I stayed, waiting for the right time to leave.

I spent hours trying to master an escape plan, when would I have spare money, where would we go? There never seemed to be an easy solution to the problem and as the fear of the unknown grew, it became easier to stay.

I could not leave around the time of one of the children’s birthday and then there was Christmas, it would disrupt the children too much.

I continued to make excuses.

The right time at the right place would come.

Although when is the right time to leave an abusive marriage?

The Right Time Is A Myth

This was taken out of my hands the day he threw our 3 year old son across the room. I changed the locks and took out an injunction the moment he left for work.

Looking back I was always looking for, praying and dreaming of the right time, but it never came.

Six months after leaving my marriage behind and becoming accustomed to being single I began chatting to my now husband. I never had any plans to meet someone new. Dating had never even crossed my mind.

Friends had suggested it was time to get back on the dating scene but I told them the right man would come along at the right time.

I did date Matt and I am pleased I didn’t wait for that time that was meant to make it happen, I went for it and 6 years later we are happily married with 3 children.

The same thing happened when we talked about planning our children. Is there ever a right time to plan a pregnancy? Yes in hindsight it would be under perfect circumstances, but let’s face it when is anything perfect?

The excuse of waiting for the right time is a mask that covers the fear of making changes, despite these changes being for the better.

The right time does not exist, but your own feelings do.

When you are unhappy and know that making changes, no matter how difficult will benefit your wellbeing then that’s the right time.

How do you define the right time?