Understanding the Causes of ObesityThe causes of obesity in a person can differ and mostly depend on the lifestyle of an individual. Let’s crosscheck some of the causes that can lead to being overweight problem:
Energy Imbalance The most common cause is an imbalance of your energy levels. This means that the amount of calories you consume is less than the amount of calories used for carrying out your daily activities (including digestion). In such cases, the best way is to reduce the intake of calories and increase their digestion by following a certain exercise regime such as walking, running, yoga, aerobics, resistance training, etc. These small changes are enough to stop further weight gain and promote health in other facets of your everyday life.
Environment Your environment is another factor that leads to obesity. (Remember: we’re products of it!) Various things factor into our environment such as the habit of eating meals in large portions, lack of good parks or walking/running tracks, local culture, highly inactive and sedentary work and home life, lack of knowledge regarding healthy foods, and so on.
Genetics Having a family history of obesity is one of the main reasons people get and stay overweight. Researchers have shown that the tendency of your body to store fat is greatly influenced by your genes and there are many siblings who, even after growing up in a different environment with totally different eating habits, still have a common problem of obesity. Parents should start monitoring the weight of their kids at a very early age and inculcate in them the habit of eating healthy food in small portions.
Health Conditions Health conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and Cushing’s syndrome are known to cause obesity.
Other causes of overweight are medicines, pregnancy, and lack of sleep, emotional stress and growing age.
About the Author: Jamie Eberle is the Chief Financial Officer of BeLiteWeight, which has helped over 6,500 patients have safe, affordable and successful weight loss surgery over the past eight years. Jamie has had bariatric surgery and knows the ins and outs of the different procedures they run, including: vertical sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve plication, Lap Band and gastric bypass surgery, among others. BeLiteWeight focuses on each patient's needs to help them choose the right procedure and get started on the path to a healthier life.