The Real Super Mom

By Mommynimfa @wazzuridea
For the past 18 years, I never took a chance to say how thankful I am to one woman who gave me life. I was too shy or maybe I'm just too coward to express what I really feel. When I was younger, I stomp when she scolds me. I do not respond when she's mad and it makes her more mad. I was a pain in the ass.
But I realize how amazing my mom was during the time I was giving birth. The moment I first saw Jai-Jai was surreal. Then I imagined how my mom bear the same pain 18 years ago. I was born breech. My feet came first. My mom struggled between giving birth and suffering from asthma. I cannot imagine how painful that is. The labor pain I felt before I gave birth to Jai-Jai was already unbearable; how much more if he was born in abnormal position like me? Now, I thank my mom for that. I will always be thankful to her, and sorry as well, for the times I was stubborn.Mama, you are a beautiful person. Sometimes I envy you because people think we are just the same age. It's insulting mama, it's like they want to tell me I look older than my age. Maybe I don't have that same mega-watts smile like yours. Still, I am proud. I have a beautiful and loving mother.This was my mom way back then. She joined a pageant, one thing I have never done and never will. Finally mama, I want to greet you a Happy Mother's Day! Jai-Jai and I love you so much.