"Aaron Alexis had called police from a Newport, R.I., Marriott. He was hearing voices. Three people were following him, he told the cops. They were sending microwaves through walls, making his skin vibrate and preventing him from sleeping. He had already twice changed hotels to escape the men, the radiation, the voices. Delusions, paranoid ideation, auditory (and somatic) hallucinations: the classic symptoms of schizophrenia. So here is this panic-stricken soul, psychotic and in terrible distress. And what does modern policing do for him? The cops tell him to “stay away from the individuals that are following him.” Then they leave. But the three “individuals” were imaginary, for God’s sake. This is how a civilized society deals with a man in such a state of terror?" asks Charles Krauthammer, exposing the real scandal of the Navy Yard massacre. More