The REAL Author of My Blog.

By Tombasson @tombasson

Over the years I’ve been blessed to have had my blog read by thousands of people. I currently have over 5000 regular subscribers from all around the world and people often tell me how much they enjoy reading my blog and how much it has helped them be more productive in life and at work.

This of course makes me very happy. 

But what a lot of my readers don’t know is that everything I have to say and everything I have learnt about productivity and wellness comes from Jesus.

He is the Why, the What, the Who, and the How behind it all.

Yes, my personality is such that I love reading books about neuroscience and how the brain works. Yes, I’m interested in nutrition and health, and I love learning more about productivity and effective self-leadership techniques, and sharing that with my readers.

But honestly, that desire comes from a simple desire to follow Jesus.

Of course, we don’t know if Jesus ate a “Paleo” diet, and I’m pretty sure He didn’t have an iPhone or use Evernote to store His sermon notes (I think He was more of a moleskine-journal-kind-a-guy). But the truth is almost all the principles I have learnt about self-leadership/organisation/health/discipline etc. can be found in His life and teachings.

And so if you, like me, want:



Work-Life balance,


Increased productivity,





Healthy relationships.

Then follow Jesus.

Seriously, at least investigate it. 

Now if you haven’t rolled your eyes yet and are still reading, then here are some suggestions on how to do that.

Firstly, throw away all your pre-conceived ideas about Christianity. Disregard your bad experiences with church or Christians. I imagine most of the hang-ups you have about Christianity have nothing to do with what Jesus was trying to do and who He was. Like Gandhi said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ”. So true.

Secondly, simply pursue the person of Jesus. Investiagte. Read. Explore. Who was he? What did he say about himself? Why did His life have such an effect on human history? And don’t just read what others say about the Bible. Read it for yourself and make up your own mind. Start with the Gospels and go from there…

Thirdly, if you’re kind of skeptical and have lots of questions, reservations and doubts, don’t just read Dawkin’s “God Delusion“. Read other smart people’s views like this book by Tim Keller. Or maybe join an Alpha Course near you. It’s a safe, relaxed, and non-threatening environment to ask questions and discover.

These are just some ideas but of course there are many more. The point is if Jesus was who He said He was, it’s worth investing a few weeks or months in to explore.

I don’t often speak so plainly about or push my personal faith on my blog, mainly because I have other places where I do that and I want to respect people who read this blog and hold to different beliefs. But I just felt that I needed to get this off my chest…

My blog is all about “healthy body, healthy mind, healthy spirit = healthy soul”. And all I have ever learnt about that, I’ve learnt from Jesus. My savior and my Lord. 

*I had to asterisk “success” because I think the success we speak of in our world and the success Jesus offers to us are not the same. The one is about standard of living and the other is about quality of life.