The Quick and Easy Guide to Self Discipline

By Simonbrushfield @SimonBrushfield

Self discipline doesn’t exist

It’s a self centred delusion

You’re either motivated

Or you’re not

And if you struggle with motivation there’s a definite reason why, although sometimes the reasons hide themselves buried deep below our conscious mind

So stop beating yourself up believing your lazy and lack self discipline

There is a reason

Here’s 10 reasons why some people lack motivation…

  1. Overwhelming confusion to move forward
  2. Sabotaged by hidden subconscious fears
  3. Feeling like a bird in a cage, hopeless and oppressed
  4. Constant failure from past experiences
  5. Inability to control internal desires for pleasure
  6. A lack of foundational emotional support structures
  7. The endless cycle of perfectionism constantly draining energy
  8. Self belief, self esteem or self confidence becomes damaged
  9. Important past accomplishments have been forgotten or ignored
  10. Growing too comfortable and afraid of stepping into the unknown

Or maybe you just haven’t found yet the thing that motivates you most? I believe everybody has certain buttons that once pressed result in purposeful inspired action

Here’s the fact of the matter…

Point 1. A person can only sustain motivation over the long term if they have the right foundation in place

All self discipline is inherently weak

And useless

Essentially powerless because self discipline is made up entirely of human frailties. Trying harder and harder to be self disciplined and overcome your weaknesses only leads to these results…


And Failure

Individuals need much greater power than themselves to keep motivated. I believe there are 2 essential elements that must be operating for a person to have sustained motivation in life

Here they are…


And Love

This is my advice, if you suddenly discover yourself not moving forward, defeated and consumed by fear, trying hard to stay focused upon your own weakening self discipline system, then here’s what you need to do…quickly change direction and start seeking what you love

Loosen up and let fly

Go with the flow and find empowerment

Because I believe this…

Self discipline has its origins in the ego. Watch out. Fear is lurking nearby

In fact, centuries ago people stupidly believed by inflicting harm upon their bodies, they’d become purified for Gods service. The more harsh self discipline they used against themselves, the more God and other people would approve of their behaviour

Silly thinking

However, if a person is full of love, there’s no need for self discipline, because they already have a healthy motivation to do the right thing

Discipline becomes obsolete

And powerless

Here’s the silent truth…

Point 2. Self discipline implies I must do something I don’t want to do

This might challenge the traditional mindset, but extreme self-discipline is like a religious practice for purifying sin

It doesn’t work

We’re designed for love

Don’t be fooled, there’s no power in fear

In fact, over time being motivated by fear becomes damaging to our health. We’re not put on this planet to spend 80 years or so doing what drains our energy. But our earthly mission is to fly high doing things that energise and inspire us for the benefit of other people

I love being creative

However, there’s many people who live in chains, earthbound hating what they do. In those cases self discipline is like torture, or a socially acceptable form of self-mutilation

So if you want to increase your motivation, let go of the safe conventional predictable humdrum life. And take a risk. Start by finding something that excites you. And continually presses your love button empowering you to excellence, because here’s the undeniable reality…

Point 3. Love is the supreme motivational force for human beings

People will do anything to feel the euphoria of love

Therefore, giving and receiving love is a prime catalyst for growth

And change

Let me give you a simple everyday example from my life…

During summer in Australia, I love to wake up early and swim in the Sydney harbor. I feel energised. It kickstarts my creative day. The ocean is so amazingly inviting l can’t hold myself back from swimming in it. Being creative holds the same powerful attraction. These two activities are incredibly compelling to me. The anticipation and excitement of spending another day doing what I love, and being creative, helps me jump out of bed like an excited child on Christmas morning

But I wouldn’t have the same energy or motivation to jump out of bed at 6.30am to build a brick wall. The motivation required to do something that doesn’t press my buttons is not there, so I’d roll over when the morning alarm went off

However, that doesn’t mean I’m undisciplined or lazy

It simply means I’m not inspired to build brick walls. Unlike the rough beautifully calloused hands of an experienced builder, my hands are soft and artistic designed for creative pursuits

Here’s what l’ve found…

Point 4. If you love what you do, you’ll stick with it

So choose something healthy that you can enjoy over the long term. And have fun without feeling guilty. Then you’ll never complain or beat yourself up for lacking self discipline.

But if you still have problems with motivation, I suggest starting super small with an easy task that’ll enable you to slowly move forward, towards a realistic goal that empowers you

Then repeat the process everyday


Some women are incredibly motivated by chocolate, they absolutely adore it and wouldn’t give it up despite their bulging waistline. To these ladies chocolate is a great motivator

Hint: Search for a more healthy motivational strategy than chocolate or ice cream

So here’s what I do…

I find the most powerful reason that inspires action

For example, I don’t paint pictures because I like beautiful things. Thats true, but it would be a weak reason to paint. I create art because it’s who I am. My artistic way of thinking inspires people. Art gives me deep satisfaction. Some people might say I’m highly disciplined. But the truth is I’m just deeply motivated. The calling I’ve received gives me inspiration to stick with art for the long term

So where does my inspiration come from?

Here’s the answer…


The bible says in Ephesians 4:1-8, “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Then a few sentences later the bible records, “when he ascended on high he gave gifts to his people.”

One of the gifts I received was creativity

In fact, I believe everyone has the ability to be creative. Everybody is incredibly unique in fascinating ways

Point 5. Creativity is a mysterious activity, during the Renaissance it was considered an act of God

I didn’t choose or plan my creative life. God planned it well in advance. The bible says my destiny was set long ago. In fact, since the beginning of time


What an amazing thought!

So right now I’m doing my best to walk it out, through faith, as he determined

Hebrews 12:1 says…“let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”

There’s no way I could be self disciplined enough to stick to something like fine art for this long, and experience overwhelming difficulties, without giving up. I need divine persistence to keep running my race in the art world. I simply don’t have the physical, mental or emotional toughness to keep standing in my own strength. Particularly dealing with all the financial difficulties that come with being an artist. No amount of desperately worked up self discipline can help. I need empowerment and direction from God to face and conquer my obstacles. The small amount of resilience I might posses is not mine

The bible supports my thinking in 2 Corinthians 4:7 where it says…

“the extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us”

But some people might be tempted to arrogantly believe in their own free will, intelligence or personal power. For example, the ability to make themselves rich and proudly boast of their own worldly achievements without God in the picture



Nebuchadnezzar was an almighty arrogant king of ancient Babylon. He was deceived into thinking the same way. Erroneously believing in his own ability to build an opulent kingdom. Nebuchadnezzar grew wealthy thinking he was someone he was not. So God quickly humbled him at the height of his power. Teaching him an important lesson, for it was Gods power working through him that gave Nebuchadnezzar the success and lifestyle he enjoyed. The bible historically records the once glamorous King of Babylon was deposed of his kingship and lost his sanity. Surrounded by birds in the wild, Nebuchadnezzar was made to eat grass for 7 years

“Chirp” by Simon Brushfield (2014) Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas 210 x 297mm unframed $450

So here’s my tip…

Final Point. Don’t try to be someone you’re not through arrogance, deception or intimidation

Fear God being yourself in freedom and humility

Enjoying who you are to the fullest

Inspiring others

And helping people grow by teaching them how to fly like a bird with you

© Copyright Simon Brushfield – The Quick and Easy Guide to Self Discipline
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