The Queen Video Chatted with Archie and Noted He Has Harry’s Hair

Posted on the 27 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear
  • Sources say the Queen noted that Archie has red hair like Prince Harry during a video call, which is cute.
  • Archie is a "happy and gentle baby" who is determined to walk.

Royal sources are here, dropping a whole Buncha update on what's going on with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, and there are pretty cute news about baby Archie that we need to discuss immediately. According to royal journalist Katie Nicholl in The temperature, sources say "Archie is a happy, sweet baby, full of love and joy, and contagious" and that "He is active and lifts everything with great determination to walk."

Apparently, Meghan and Harry "just enjoy watching Archie go through so many milestones" right now, and "spent a lot of time together as a family during the lockdown and it was a magical moment."

Archie recently joined his parents on a video call with the Queen to celebrate his birthday, and Her Majesty noted that Archie inherited Harry's red hair.

As a reminder, the couple is currently looking for a permanent residence in Los Angeles, "wants to have a little more space so that Archie can have a life as normal as possible", and is looking forward to being "out of the Hollywood melee ". " Oh, and they are looking for a place "close to nature" with good hikes! I love it for them.

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