The Queen Has Responded

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

You can’t automate everything.

Or at least you shouldn’t.

I cannot tell you how beyond irked I was when I received this after responding to an email.

Thank you so much for your email. As I currently have a very busy schedule and only respond to emails once daily, I am trying to respond to those most urgent emails first. Rest assured, I will respond to all emails in the most timely manner possible. If you need a reply within the next 24 hours, please resend with URGENT in your subject line and I will get back with you ASAP! Thanks so much and I look forward to being in touch with you soon.

You know how that comes off? That you are some Queen doing other very important things and talking to me is not on that to-do list.

You might think that you are doing the person sending you an email by managing expectations, but you are not.

Your message comes off condescending.

If I’m emailing you, it isn’t obviously that urgent. If it was I would call you.

Second, if we are working on an urgent project together via email and every time I send you something I get that email in return my inbox is going to be filled with this stupid message.

And I’m going to start plotting ways to pipe Milli Vanilli music into your office on repeat. With a skip in the song.

Girl you know, Girl you know, Girl you it’s true.

Stop with the automatic email response. You aren’t the Queen of England. You are a human being like me.

Give me the respect to figure out for myself that this isn’t an urgent means of communication.