The Pyjarmy’s New Year’s Resolutions

By Howtobejobless @howtobejobless

So, 2013. You have been somewhat rubbish for a lot of people haven’t you? Don’t let the door smack you in the ass on your way out, because we’ve got big things coming our way…

I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all the readers, followers and interacters of the How to Be Jobless community. I started this blog early in 2013 to make myself laugh. I was despondent, so utterly disappointed that I wasn’t immune to the job crisis, and most of all, I felt totally alone. It’s odd, isn’t it, that someone with a million others in the same boat should feel alone?

In the next Grad Scheming (out on GoThinkBig on Fri 3rd Jan), I’ll be outlining a few New Year’s REVOLUTIONS that we, the jobseeking community, should be starting. We need more collectivism – the unemployed feel alone because jobseeking is competitive. We’re pitted against each other, when we should be working together. We’re divided, which makes it that much easier to be conquered. I hope you’ll take a look.

However, let’s leave 2013 on the pile of “the year things were bad, right before they got BLOODY WONDERFUL”.

Happy New Year, - I think we all know what I wish for you all in 2014. And tweet me when it happens! I love a sendoff.