The Pull List: Must Read Comics Week of 9/26/2012

Posted on the 25 September 2012 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

Aquaman #0

By: Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: All of these DC zero issues have been great. Many have been short and sweet giving you all the information you need. With this issue, Aquaman, and by extension us, meet the Atlanteans. Considering that the current storyline is about how Atlantis sunk and Geoff Johns is in the writer’s chair, you should definitely expect some important foreshadowing.

Batman Incorporated #0

By: Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: I wasn’t really sure if Batman, Inc was going to get a zero issue. I thought it was being renewed for a 12 issue wrap up of all of Morrison’s framework, but I guess he was able to be a team player this month. He details how Batman went about meeting and inviting all of his allies to his international council of Batmen that will help him stand again Leviathon’s impressive ninja army.

Batman The Dark Knight #0

By: Gregg Hurwitz and David Finch

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: I haven’t been really digging The Dark Knight book. It is kind of a utility book. It has done more for the innumerable rogue gallery making their return to the pages of the DC universe. Falling in suit with how the series has gone, Joe Chill gets the spotlight here, but he isn’t just some random thief. The solicit mentions the conspiracy to kill the Waynes, but than what was all the Court of Owls stuff though. Maybe it’s connect. Find out here.

Justice League Dark #0

By: Jeff Lemire, Mikel Janin, and Ryan Sook

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: John Constantine is easily the most controversial character to enter the new 52. He is a fan favorite from the Vertigo imprint where he goes up against all sorts of occult forces in the title Hellblazer with all the benefit of being made up of “mature content.” While plenty of DC heroes went in and out of Vertigo and Hellblazer, I remember fans being scared of Constantine getting the white washed with the more all ages fun of the general DC. Thankfully, they have embraced the weirdness of their magical realm, and Constantine remains mosly unchanged, but the how and why he fits into the DC is still a mystery. Find out here, while we also meet the new big bad that wants to take out the Justice League Dark.

Talon #0

By: Scott Snyder and Guillem March

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: Brand new series spinning out of Batman’s Night of the Owls arc. This new Talon, who kind of looks like Nite-Owl II from Watchmen, is a renegade Talon assassin. The Court is now chasing him down. With Snyder at the helm, I’m certain that this title will be dark, fun, and totally awesome.

Teen Titans #0

By: Scott Lobdell, Tyler Kirkham, and Brett Booth

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: The origin of Tim Drake. Tim is probably my favorite Robin. He has the prowess and sociability of Nightwing, the steadfastness of Red Hood, and the determination and detective skills of Batman. He is the Bat-family in nutshell in my opinion, and I want to know how he fits considering, he is the third of 4 Robins that Bats had in the 5 years that have already happened in the new 52. Also includes the origins of new characters Bunker and Skitter, who I may or may not care about. I am still trying to figure that out.

Deadpool #61

By: Daniel Way, Salva Espin, and Dave Johnson

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: Deadpool vs Hit Monkey. Nuff said!

Punisher #16

By: Greg Rucka and Mico Suayan

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: For anyone who wasn’t paying attention, Marvel has been releasing some teasers. It is an event that will probably be small and mostly self-contained. The teasers depicted Wolverine, Spiderman, Daredevil, and Captain America in seemingly fatal circumstances. The bad guy: THE PUNISHER! Prepare for War Zone as the events that trigger begin happening in Frank’s on-going where he and his new partner, Cole, continue dealing with violent scum.