The Pull List: Must Read Comics of 7/3/2013

Posted on the 05 July 2013 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

Avengers AI #1

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Lowdown: Springing out of the Age of Utron, Hank Pym has a new lease on life, a new motivation for heroics, and a new game plan to mix his love of science with his desire to make a difference. Pym, along with a SHIELD agent, look after a team of robots ready to make the world a better place. This includes The Runaways’ Victor Mancha, the Vision, and refurbished Doombot that Pym made a few changes too. 

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Lowdown: First Deadpool took on everyone in the Marvel universe from Punisher to Thor. Not even Taskmaster with all the moves he copied from every hero he faced couldn’t get the best of old Wade. Then he went after the characters from classic novels because afterall, he’s not punishing the characters. He’s punishing us, the readers. There is only one more group of people he has to kill next, all the Deadpools of all the different alternate realities. Should be fun!

Dexter #1

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Lowdown: You might remember that Dexter was slated for awhile back only to get pushed back for god knows what reason. Probably just to sync it with the last season which premiered this past Sunday. This is Dexter’s biggest struggle yet: his high school reunion. Meanwhile, Miami’s new serial killer is racking up quite a body count. Now, these adaptations come out every once in awhile. Hell, some comic publishers have made it their go to move. But there is always a little suspicion involved. I’m always scared they are trading off the brand name of the show rather than crafting good stories. But rest assured, Dexter’s original novelist, Jeff Lindsay, is writing the comic.

Green Arrow #22

Publisher: DC Comics

Lowdown: Jeff Lemire has been a great addition to the Green Arrow franchise. He was basically just a two-bit Hawkeye when the New 52 started. Or rather a two-bit Hawkeye mixed with a two-bit Bruce Wayne. Instead, Lemire has saddled Arrow with a grand mythology of warrior avatars each with their own signature weapon, one of which is clearly a bow and arrow. This mythology is the kind that doesn’t work on a cosmic scale where gods fight monsters, but rather on a small-scale karmic playground where men are destined to be heroes or villains. If that wasn’t enough for Arrow to digest, he is also about to come face to face for the first time in the new 52 with one of his most deadly and personal foes, Count Vertigo. Here’s hoping he’s more than just a scene chewing drug dealer.

Guardians Of Galaxy Tomorrows Avengers #1

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Lowdown: So here’s the thing. The Guardians of the Galaxy played a key role in n awesome cosmic storyline that Marvel just seemed to stop. Kevin Fiege sees why they are awesome and gave them priority in the cinematic universe. And now Bendis, who has been one of the most prominent architects of modern Marvel Comics, is writing their brand new book. Yet it still seems on blogs, forums, and comments sections that people still don’t really know anything about this group of heroes. Here’s your chance!

Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #1

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Lowdown: Superior Spider-Man has been a really fun read. Despite what they did with Peter Parker (which has been so MUCH better than I expected it to be), it has injected quite a bit of life into the rogues gallery. Vulture, Scorpion, and Boomerang just recently made some pretty great appearances. Now, Boomerang is moving up in the world. He is putting together a new Sinister Six (although there is only 5 baddies on the cover) made up of third and fourth string rogues proving, as the solicit says, that with terrible powers come terrible responsibility. It reeks of Flash’s rogues, who are both roguishly charming and sympathetically bad at their jobs.

Trinity Of Sin Pandora #1

Publisher: DC Comics

Lowdown: Pandora has been quite the cipher. First they depict her at the creation of the new 52 during Flashpoint, and then they drop into every #1 issue watching over our new world. She has shown up sporadically since then and while we have gotten some facts about her past, I feel like we are still missing understanding. With this first issue of a new ongoing series, Pandora (yes, THAT Pandora) is on a mission to find every evil and terrible thing that she let out of that infamous box.