The Pull List: Must Read Comics of 6/19/2013

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

Extinction Parade #1

By: Max Brooks, Raulo Caceres

Publisher: Avatar Press

Price: $3.99

The Lowdown: Max Brooks! Zombies! What else do you need to know?

Animal Man #21

By: Jeff Lemire, Steve Pugh, Jae Lee

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: A new arc, called Splinter Species, starts here with Buddy reeling from his celebrity and meeting a new antagonist.

Green Lantern New Guardians #21

By: Justin Jordan, Brad Walker, Rafael Albuquerque

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $2.99

The Lowdown: So it looks like Kyle’s white duds are here to stay. He made a small appearance in Green Lantern when Hal was handed the keys to the kingdom. The new Guardians asked Kyle to hang back because they had a mission for him. I’m guessing we will learn here.

Wild Blue Yonder #1 (of 5)

By: Mike Raicht, Zach Howard

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Price: $3.99

The Lowdown: A post-apocalyptic world where the human race escaped to the sky away from the radioactive pollen. Sounds like Waterworld, but not. Might be at least interesting.

X-Files Season 10 #1

By: Joe Harris, Michael Walsh, Carlos Valenzuela

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Price: $3.99

The Lowdown: 9 seasons, 2 movies, and any number of comic miniseries, Mulder and Scully are finally facing the scary corners of the world in Season 10. Like Joss Whedon’s Buffy-verse and the cancelled Jericho, X-Files gets a new life in comic book form. The best part, Chris Carter has input.

Age Of Ultron #10 (of 10)

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Brandon Peterson

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $3.99

The Lowdown: This is the finale of Marvel’s newest event series, which I am sure will have a shitload of repercussions for the Marvel universe.

Avengers #14

By: Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli, Leinil Francis Yu

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $3.99

The Lowdown: A prelude to Infinity, the next crossover event with Thanos involved. The origin sites around the world go active and start communicating with something more ancient than human civilization.

 Superior Spider-Man #12

By: Dan Slott, Giuseppe Camuncoli

Publisher: MArvel Comics

Price: $3.99

The Lowdown: So Spider-Slayer’s execution didn’t go as planned. He was about to escape when Spider-Man proved to have thought of everything. Meanwhile, Slayer’s little spider bots upgraded Scorpion, Vulture, and Boomerang. All of whom were in critical condition after Octo-Spidey gave them a beating.