Buzz-worthy books of the week
It is the final issue of this mini, where Wade and his buddies can't decided whether to sell or keep safe a robot from the future babbling predictions. If you enjoyed this book (I thought it was pretty fun), you are in luck. It is going to series.
Flash was the center of the Flashpoint Paradox. He was the center of Rebirth. How could I not be looking forward to this book. I am hoping that the combining of elements, the good of new 52 and the stuff that got left behind, will pay off for DC.
I just cannot get enough of this series. Nassir, the last Baghdad cop working with Chris, the US company man retraining a new team cops, has been taken by the bad guys.
DC's gritty remakes of Hanna-Barbera cartoons continue with a Mad Max take on Wacky Races, which I didn't even know was coming. Future Quest was cool, but Scooby Doo was a bust. Here's hoping this one can be one of the good ones.
Greg Rucka returns to Wonder Woman. Nuff Said.