The Proof Is In The Pudding That You Can Score Big If You Read Pudding Container Fine Print!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews has a really interesting piece today about a man who accumulated over a million air miles by buying approximately $3,000 in pudding that featured an air miles promotion. All he had to do was mail bar codes from the pudding to redeem the points, so he came up with an awesome way to do this: donate the pudding to the Salvation Army, in exchange for volunteers there removing the bar codes. In addition to over 1.25 million air miles, worth possibly over $125,000, he received a tax receipt for donating the pudding.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Who is the marketer in charge of promotions at If-You-Buy-Our-Pudding-We’ll-Fly-You-To-Russia-100-Times Incorporated? More importantly, as we hear that Russia is a popular place to hide when you’ve done something controversial, did the marketer also fly there to avoid corporate repercussions?

2. Was Bill Cosby informed of this massive pudding purchase? We’d wager any pudding purchase of this size might have to be officially sanctioned by the King of Pudding Pops.

3. You have a million airline points and were able to redeem them for more than one flight from Detroit to Cincinnati, with stopovers in Dubai, Frankfurt, and Ann Arbor? Congratulations! Your airline program appears better than ours.