The Prestige |Movie Review|

Posted on the 30 November 2024 by Snapdragon

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-fic

Rated: PG-13

Year of Release: 2006

Director: Christopher Nolan

Summary: After a tragic accident, two stage magicians engage in a battle to create the ultimate illusion while sacrificing everything they have to outwit each other.


Imo The Prestige is Christopher Nolan most underrated film. This movie is not jam pack with actions. With the lack of action it make up by keeping the viewer intrigued. I like the set up the magic acts and how their done. Near the end there a sci-fic twist which is cool. 

The Prestige came out around the sometime as The Illusionist which is similar in plot. It also about dueling magicians. Well there are magic tricks they are sideline for a romance and mystery storyline. 

The movie is actually base off a short book of the same name. From what I heard people don’t like the ending of the book. I haven’t read the book my self so I’m going to has to see what the fuss is. 

As a whole The Prestige is a good movie which a good twist at the end. I was confuse which character was which, because the kind of look the same.


Fun Facts: 

  • The word “prestige” originally meant a trick, from the Latin “praestigium”, meaning “illusion”.
  • Alfred Borden takes on the stage name of “The Professor”. This is the nickname that was given to many magicians at this time (Professor Hoffman, Professor Otto Hermann Professor Tucan) Dai Vernon. Most notably, Dai Vernon bore the nickname, the man many consider to be the best modern-day sleight-of-hand magician.
  • When Robert Angier arrives in Colorado Springs he is actually arriving at the Darien Ranch in the town of Marble in western Colorado where the Prestige was filmed. Colorado Springs is located in eastern Colorado. The main ranch house and barns were digitally erased and train tracks added. There are no railroad tracks located there.