the Preferred Newspapers of Terrorists...

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
One of the local news media groups on Whatsapp posted the following image..
Yossi Levi, the Director of Netzach Yehuda, aka Nachal Haredi, posted a picture from a mission of Netzach Yehuda in a terrorists house (presumably somewhere in the Shomron)

During their mission they found piles of Israeli newspapers - specifically the newspapers called Yated Neeman and Chadash Bet Shemesh... 
not just your average Israeli newspaper like Yediot, Maariv, Israel Hayom that they can get at any gas station or street corner in cities around Israel, but specifically Haredi newspapers.
Are these the newspapers of terrorists? Do they sip their morning coffee reading Chadash Bet Shemesh and Yated Neeman?
If the owner of the house gets taken in for question, I hope the interrogator waterboards him until he explains this...
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