The Prayer Machinery of Heaven #2

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).
The purest actions of the purest men need Christ to perfume them; and this is his office. When we pray, we need to pray again for Christ to pardon the defects of our prayers. ~ The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes
Isn't that descriptive, we pray, because we can, and then pray again for Christ to pardon the prayer's defects. I think the Romans 8:26 verse below is getting to that idea.
Prayer straddles our lives both on earth and in heaven. All week I am focusing on prayer. It’s important. I need to do better in my life, and I can’t imagine a Christian who doesn’t think they can do better at prayer either.
I was thinking of one of Spurgeon’s sermons, calledGod’s Providence. (#3114). Spurgeon likened the cherubim’s acts near the throne and the wheels within wheels as described by Ezekiel as machinery of Providence. He described, hypothetically of course, the wheels going up and down and left and right in tandem as the machinery of Providence carrying out God’s will and decrees. It’s an interesting thought, and Spurgeon is vivid about his descriptions.
This series of prayer machinery of heaven is inspired by that thought.
Please enjoy this scripture photo I made of the machinery of prayer. Under that will be some further resources on prayer suggestions. Yesterday I suggested praying for the persecuted and missionaries around the world, with some resources to check out along those lines. Today, let's pray for our elders (pastors, deacons, teachers, etc).

Further Reading/Resources
Revive Our Hearts: Your Pastor Challenge
Ligonier: How to Pray for Your Pastor
Challies: Pray for Your Pastor! (lots of other links inside)