The PowerHouse Collective: You Were Created With Intention

By Jenny Evans @PowerHousePC

I did this PowerHouse Collective interview with Dara Beevas on Aug 25 – little did I know how much I would need to hear her wise words this week.

When I asked Dara (bio below) how she describes her confidence, she told me about her belief that she is created and formed with intention, and that she belongs to the world – we all are and do. When she remembers who she belongs to it reminds her not to be selfish, fearful, to keep her gifts to herself or to withhold goodness, it brings her joy and keeps her confident.

She goes on to say it’s no coincidence that we are alive at this particular time in history, to do the things we’re doing for people that were also born for their particular purpose at this particular time. We all belong to each other – we are each other’s keepers – and we have a job to do. It would alleviate so much ugly in the world if we remembered that. When you see another person – if you remember that person belongs to you and you belong to them – it simplifies a lot of things.

Right now many of us are processing a wide array of thoughts and strong emotions. When I heard the election results I experienced a few minutes of shock, followed by an unexpected wave of calm. It came from knowing that I have a job to do on this planet – to help people be the best possible versions of themselves. To spread positivity, strength, confidence and resilience. You belong to me, and it’s my job to take care of you. I belong to you, and it’s your job to take care of me. We all belong to each other.

Time to get to work.

Dara Beevas is co-founder and chief strategic officer of Wise Ink Creative Publishing, an agency for writers, publishers, and authors. Dara has been involved in the publishing community for twelve years, acquiring manuscripts, managing projects, and creating marketing and sales strategies for authors and publishers. She’s helped more than four hundred authors publish their books. Originally from the DC area, Dara has a master’s degree in publishing from George Washington University. She’s a board member of the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and is the author of The Indie Author Revolution and Social Media Secrets for Authors. When she’s not busy pushing the envelope in this crazy world of publishing and networking with inspiring entrepreneurs, she’s traveling and enjoying her husband’s delicious Jamaican meals. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.