The Power of Videos and Presentation Sharing:Lesson #7

Posted on the 21 June 2012 by Socialmediaevie @socialmediaevie

Infographic on how Social Media are being used, and how everything is changed by them. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Podcasting and other multi-media platforms can be a very effective way of sharing your knowledge with your target market. Content can be delivered in various forms because people learn in different ways. Some people are visual learners, others prefer auditory methods. It is believed that audiences prefer video over audio and audio over text. Audio files are smaller and download quicker than video files.
Your computer probably has a built-in microphone. Just hit record, announce your message and hit save. You can then upload it to a web site like for internet distribution. Your podcast can be RSS-fed and syndicated or distributed. Just like the writing process, you should plan your script, record, edit and publish.
A podcast should be a good audio story. It is easy to describe your power point slides in a Podcast.You can develop a podcast in conjunction with your blog to engage your audience. You can even create a video and add audio content.
• Create list of podcast directories
• Repurpose webinar content when applicable for resource section, promote
through podcast directories
• Record relevant phone conferences for use as podcasts, promote through
podcast directories
• List all presentations on Slideshare
• Update Slideshare listing
• Match Buyer Personas to Social Media sites, adjust strategy above to better fit personas
• Train sales about better use of social media
• Create company social media policy
• Discuss social media policy with SEO and SEM vendors
• Consider uses for Ning and other social media sites not listed