Things move pretty fast in our world these days and that means we are moving fast too. In order to keep, up we may feel we have to act and reply quickly to what is before us. And, that can be a problem.
We end up reacting moment by moment based on what is immediately before us. We react instead of respond and we do so without taking time to check within for what we really, really, really want.
Hitting the pause button and taking a moment to connect with our values and intuition allows us to act in ways that are more in alignment with our heart and soul.
Pausing is a common strategy for people dealing with food cravings. When they give themselves a few minutes to refocus on what matters most, they often make the healthy choice. This strategy can also be used in other areas of your life:
- When you want to lash out or react to something someone says or does
- Gathering your thoughts so you can speak clearly and concisely
- Making choices that are aligned with your core values and dreams
- When you feel tired, sad, or upset in a way that might compromise your ability to be effective or choose wisely
- When you want to buy, eat, say, or do anything that you might wish you hadn’t later
The power of the pause is that it allows you to operate from the core of who you are and what you really want in your life. It allows you to consciously create the life and relationships you desire. And… it can prevent a whole lot of regrets…