The Power of Music- Baby Moved to Tears as Mom Sings Worship Song

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
In his book, Real Worship: Playground, Battleground, or Holy Ground? Warren Wiersbe wrote,
Music confronts the whole person, mind, heart, and will- and demands some kind of response. Music instructs the minds, inspires the emotions, and challenges the will. ... It should not surprise us that great revival movements, evangelistic campaigns, and political and nationalistic crusades have all swept forward on the wings of song.Even Israel felt a new sense of unity and victory when they sang God's praises at the Red Sea (Exodus 15), a scene that will be repeated in new dimensions when God's people arrive in heaven. (Revelation 15:1-4).
I am convinced that congregations learn more theology (good and bad) from songs they sing than from the sermons they hear. Music reaches the mind and the heart at the same time. It has the power to touch and move the emotions...
RC Sproul said of music in his online class Recovering the Beauty of the Arts,
Just as conversion is an aesthetic experience in which the converted person is first awakened to the sweetness and excellence of God in Christ, so our musical expression of worship should continually direct our attention and stir us to adore His beauty and majesty.
But do not take my word for it. Watch what happens when a mom sings "Good Good Father" to her baby
Baby Moved to Tears as Mom Sings Worship Song to Him - "Good, Good Father"

Song Leaders, please be ever so mindful of the tremendous impact music has. Wiersbe said music
can be a wonderful tool in the hands of the Spirit or a terrible weapon in the hands of the Adversary. Naive congregations can sing their way into heresy before they even realize what is going on.