One of the things I’ve been told over and over again as a student is to network. In fact, they usually tell us “network, network, network.” As a grad student in a new town 900 miles from home, that is quite a daunting task…at first. Networking, though, can be pretty simple if you go about it the right way. One way of accomplishing this goal is by joining a trade association. One of my favorites is the American Marketing Association. I was a member of the AMA during my undergraduate studies, and I think it is an extremely valuable asset to any marketer or student of marketing, advertising, or public relations.
The AMA offers webinars, conferences, newsletters, and general knowledge about the industry. As a member, you can attend your local chapter meetings to connect with like-minded individuals. The American Marketing Association’s website is just one resource. On the site, they list articles related to marketing, videos about successful campaigns, resume and career tips, and how you can find your local chapter.
I find the AMA very valuable to my future career. I made several valuable connections when I was a member of a collegiate chapter. In fact, one of the connections offered me an internship. I plan to connect to the chapter in my area, to see what else I can gain from the organization. I also enjoy reading the AMA newsletters because I can keep up-to-date on industry trends. As a professional, it is important to always know what is in store for your industry. Whether you are branding yourself or a product, staying knowledgeable about the latest trends will give you an edge over the competition.
As a company, or individual for that matter, being recognized by an association like the AMA adds value to your brand. The organization is recognized by millions; simply having their name connected to yours will bring you respect and credibility.