The Pot Watcher

By Kristineduffey @GeminiWriter81

I wore this in my hair instead of a veil

We are back from our honeymoon and we had a lovely time. When we have pictures of the wedding I’ll post the results of some DIY wedding projects for everyone to see with directions.
Until then here is the piece I wore in my hair instead of a veil (pictured above). It looked great and I purchased it on at this shop: PeacockPixys. I used ETSY to buy some of my wedding things and for inspiration. I highly recommend the website if you are planning a wedding.
As of today we are easing back into our regular lives. Monday we jump back in by going back to work. Until then we are still enjoying ourselves a bit. Yesterday afternoon we arrived back home and I decided to do some short story revisions that I had put off for far too long. I revised this and that and tightened the tension and decided I liked it well enough to submit for publication. I chose Slice. I know it’s far too early to expect a response. That’s doesn’t stop me from checking for one every couple of hours. This will eventually wear off but it is my normal behavior after having just submitted something. I’m not sure what I expect. A reject letter is most likely but I can hope for better. I’m still learning this craft and I’m a little iffy about the publication I decided upon. I’m just not sure it’s what they are looking for. I suppose I’ll know sooner or later. Wish me luck. Do any of you have any little idiosyncrasies attached to submitting a story for publication? I’ve always been a pot watcher and I suppose I always will. It’s high time I get back to writing. The wedding is over and it’s almost time to go back to my day job. I’ve put this part of my life on hold for long enough. I’m jumping back in with both feet!

I’m also starting to read for fun again! While we were away we stopped by a book store and I picked up a newish Mercedes Lackey book. Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite fairytales! I read once that if you don’t have time to read you don’t have time to write. I believe the implication was that a good writer must also read. I hope to have much more time to do both. Anyone have a good recommendation?KD