The Poems of Robin R. Rabi

By Levyingkishan

The Poems of Robin R. Rabii are both influential and controversial. With his poems he shares his feelings. How the world around him has changed, how a baby can change one's perspective about life, religious wars, he has even spoken about the greatness of America, how the society has treated women and also how women have given birth to all the legends that have walked on the Earth.
One of the poems that I loved is “An Open Poem to God”, where he says,
Dear Almighty God, how can you be so bear the oppression that happens in the world and how the unfit men are teaching about religion and the poet wishes that God should stop talking with his self-appointed priests. The poems speak of love, betrayal and about the world filled with war and violence.
One of the best part of the book was the Preface of the book where the poet describes with such skill and precision about life and a mind that is free. Free from the narrow thoughts, can achieve a lot more than a person with a cheap mindset.
I loved this sentence from the Preface
As we tread the path to self-transformation, messages from our subconscious are sent to our dreams, new thoughts are directed to our waking mind. The aggregate of all these gives birth to coincidences that begin to occur with frequency, generating the types of experiences and attracting the types of people that aid in the journey to be free from cultural, societal, ethnic and religious conditioning.......”
I felt as if the poems have spoken for themselves, the message they wanted to convey to their readers. As you flip through the pages you will be in awe about the imagination and the in depth analysis of the poet about a certain subject.
I liked a lot of the poems but some poems are not for everyone though. The poems are worth reading and the more you read the more you will find yourself immersed in this world.
This book was an " Book of the Day".
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