The Playlist: January

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel

I'm bringing back my monthly playlist posts this year and hopefully you'll enjoy reading them and maybe even be introduced to some new music!
Three out of four of these bands I've seen live, two of them this month actually and that's why they've featured. Before I go to see any band, I usually end up listening to their albums for a few weeks before, especially if they're touring to promote a new release (which is the case the majority of the time).

City and ColourI really could have picked any City and Colour album as I've been listening to them all. I do really like the most recent one 'The Hurry and The Harm', especially the track 'Harder Than Stone'. Dallas' voice is incredible and just a few days ago I saw the band for the second time (as you may have noticed if you follow me on twitter/instagram) which was great.The Gaslight AnthemI love The Gaslight Anthem, it's pretty hard to pick which is my top favorite between them and Yellowcard, and surprisingly I hadn't listened to them in a while. American Slang has been my 'go-to-uni' or just generally 'going out somewhere' music and it's such a brilliant album, I love every song.Mayday ParadeIn my opinion 'A Lesson In Romantics' is their best album and I'm still slightly disappointed they didn't play 'Ocean and Atlantic' when I saw them on Monday night, as it's one of my favourites. I do like the new album, Monsters In The Closet, but I don't think they could ever top A Lesson In Romantics.Taking Back SundayI really like listening back to live performances and this album is great for that. Taking Back Sunday and Mayday Parade both take me back to my teenage school years and the good parts! My favorite from the album is definitely 'Your Own Disaster', Lazzara's voice is so raw and has a real huskiness and a growl to it that really heightens the emotion.What's been on your playlist this month? 

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