The Pink Panther, Mark, and Me

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

He may no longer be mine, but apparently, he’s happy as the Boss Man.

Last night, my family and I went to Camden Yards. Some of you readers know that I worked for the Orioles for many years. The Orioles and Camden Yards are sentimental to me for so many reasons, namely because I met my husband and some of my best friends there, and also because it was just a great place to work. Time spent at the Orioles was a pleasure, and one that I remember with fondness and sentimentality.

The pictured Pink Panther is no longer mine. He belongs to my friend Mark Hromalik, the assistant director of sales. Mark and I worked together, and when I left, I bestowed my Pink Panther to Mark, who may possibly love “Pink” more than I did.

When The Pink Panther costumed character visited Camden Yards, I was lucky enough to receive this stuffed version as my own. If you’ve watched Orioles games since the 1990s, you may recall HTS (Home Team Sports) zooming in on him during games. My office happened to face ballpark on the second floor just above Boog’s Barbecue, and I had Pink propped up against the window looking out across Eutaw Street to the field. The cameramen had a field day with Pink, and between innings, you’d see him on television staring out the window, quietly cheering the Orioles on to victory.

When I left my position with the ballclub to pursue a new opportunity at The Baltimore Sun, I gave Pink to Mark. He would often come in and remark on how much he loved the Pink Panther. I couldn’t bear the thought of Pink leaving Camden Yards, so I kissed him goodbye and left him in good hands.

I am happy to report that all these years later, he may be faded, but he’s still there, and apparently has been promoted to that of Boss Man.

Xoxo Pink.

Xoxo Mark.