The Picky Eater’s Healthy Grocery List

By Thepickyeater @pickyeaterblog

One of the most common questions I get asked is what to buy at the grocery store. I’ve found that having a list is SUPER important when grocery shopping, because it helps me to stay focused and not be tempted by all of the unhealthy treats in the store!

I’ve also found that one of the biggest challenges to healthy cooking is not having the right ingredients on hand. Because by the time you’re ready to cook, you’re already hungry,  you realize that your fridge is empty, and the last thing you want to do at that time is grocery shop.

But with a little bit of planning, and my handy, healthy grocery store list – you can just get what’s on the list and that’s it! Then you’ll have all of the ingredients you need to make any of my tasty, good-for-you recipes, and you won’t waste time wandering the grocery store aisles either. Stocking up on balanced, healthy foods is key to not being tempted to get takeout when those dinner-time-hunger-pangs come calling. And, since I use a lot of the same ingredients for most of my recipes, these items won’t ever go to waste.

This list is: convenient, simple, quick, cost-effective, balanced, healthy and accessible to anyone (almost all of the ingredients can be bought at any local grocery store!) I promise it will make cooking at home truly hassle-free.Take a look at my list below, or head to the store with this printer-friendly version (it has everything you need!) Click here to download it. Happy grocery shopping everyone!

Grocery List