The Perfect Assignment for a Six-year-old: “Handwrite What ‘pisses’ You Off”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Twofer: Let’s teach the young ones penmanship and vulgarities at the same time!

Children at the Bishop King Primary School in Lincoln (UK) were given a very unusual assignment: write about ‘what p****s them off’.

Yahoo reports that parents were very upset to see the piece of work as part of handwriting exercise. Parents criticized the teachers for setting the clearly American (I wonder why they assumed that?) worksheet which also told children to write their ‘favorite number’ and ‘the color of their shirt’. One angry parent said her young daughter even asked her: ‘Mummy what does p****s mean?’

One parent said: “Mason came back last week and luckily I picked out his homework before giving it to him. It was shocking. Their teacher has clearly just printed it off the internet and didn’t even check it through before handing it out because it’s all American. I took it straight off him and called up the school the next day. You’d have thought a primary school teacher would check through their work before handing it out to six-year-olds.”

Another parent added: “I think it is disgusting and does not set the children a good example at all. I am angry knowing I have to leave my kids there for six hours – it makes you wonder what other mistakes they are making. Some parents think it’s funny, but most of us are shocked. This is about our kids’ welfare.”

The school apologized and sent a letter sent out to parents. The head teacher admitted the school had failed to check the homework before it was sent out. She said: “We acknowledge that this document was not appropriate to be given to the children and I apologize for any distress caused.” A spokesman for the school added: “It is a very unfortunate incident and we are very sorry.”

The school appears to be a Christian school. From their website:

We believe our school inspires dreams and aspirations by the help of God, rooted in access to Him through Jesus and in the Holy Spirit encouraged by every achievement that He will Grant.

Our church school value this term is PEACE

At least the head teacher admitted their mistake and recognized the parents distress. Which is more than can be said for some American public schools.