The People’s Book Project: Winner of 2011 Winged Lion Award

Posted on the 10 January 2012 by Andrewgavinmarshall @A_G_Marshall

Nominees are chosen on the basis of one of the following fifteen criteria:

1. A community that has launched new paper notes of usuryfree community currency during the current year. This community must have done something unique for their launch of paper notes of usuryfree community currency. Samples of the paper notes and details of this unique activity must be submitted with the nomination.

2. An individual usuryfree creative who has authored a unique article about the design flaw of usury during the current year. A copy of the article must be submitted with the nomination.

3. An individual usuryfree creative who has authored a unique article about the usuryfree community currency movement during the current year. A copy of the article must be submitted with the nomination.

4. An individual usuryfree creative who has authored a noteworthy quote about usuryfree living during the current year. A copy of the quote must be submitted with the nomination.

5. A newspaper or magazine that has published at least one article about the usuryfree community currency movement during the current year. A copy of the newspaper or magazine containing the article must be submitted with the nomination.

6. An individual usuryfree creative who has traded for more than $1000.00 worth of any usuryfree community currency or any combination of two or more usuryfree community currencies during the current year. Proof of amount of trading must be submitted with the nomination.

7. An internet company that is facilitating the completion of an online database of usuryfree creatives who are committed to advancing the mission of connecting the various usuryfree community currency groups – locally, nationally and internationally. Details of the project must be submitted with the nomination.

8. An individual usuryfree creative who is dedicated to the political application of usuryfree living at any level of politics – municipal, provincial/state or federal. Details of the political activity must be submitted with the nomination.

9. An individual usuryfree creative who has produced a DVD or video during the current year wherein the problems of usury and/or the solutions as offered by the usuryfree community currency movement are presented. A copy of the DVD must be submitted with the nomination.

10. An individual musician or a musical group that has written a song about usury-based economics or usuryfree economics during the current year. A copy of the song must be submitted with the nomination.

11. A duly registered political party that officially endorses the usuryfree community currency movement. Proof in writing from the duly registered political party must be submitted with the nomination. This duly registered political party may be provincial/state or federal.

12. An individual or group of usuryfree creatives who has/have planned and hosted a usuryfree community currency conference during the current year. A copy of the schedule of events for the conference complete with the location and date must be submitted with the nomination.

13. A charitable foundation/organization that openly supports the usuryfree community currency movement. Details of how this particular foundation/organization supports the usuryfree community currency movement must be submitted with the nomination.

14. A member of the clergy (from any denomination) who is actively speaking outagainst the design flaw of usury and its eveil effects on individuals and on society. Proof of his/her usuryfree mission must be submitted with the nomination.

15. An individual usuryfree creative who incessantly seeks justice in matters relating to taxes and usury in their JUST-US system of commerce where it is enforced by their judges. Details of how justice is sought by this individual usuryfree creative must be submitted with the nomination.

See: UsuryFree Network
