~ It was a good week - I watched a lot of classics and I finally saw Cosmopolis. If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for?
~ How do you decide whether to watch a trailer or not to watch it? To me, this is always a really hard decision. Watching a trailer can trigger a hype or it can destroy it. When the trailer is great, you can be disappointed, and when it's bad you might not see a good movie because of it. At the time I don't watch many new trailers.
~ I also have some new music for you again, which I discovered this week: Bonaparte and my favorite German band Kraftklub, who have made an unofficial album when they were unknown, which I didn't know. You can listen to one of the songs by clicking on the name of the band. And of course Mecca by K'Naan from the Cosmopolis soundtrack.
~ I'm not sure if I write too many reviews? And if I don't comment enough on other people's blogs. If you have this impression please don't be made because I really don't have much time. Plus I like writing reviews currently.
~ This week I saw a couple of the films I said I wanted to see in the Movie Confessions Blogathon, and I only really liked one of them. Anyhow, it's good I saw them.
~ Thanks to everyone who warned me from seeing the new Robin Hood - I did it anyhow and it was boring as hell.
~ Some interesting posts:
- SDG from U, Me and Films celebrates Indian Independence Day with five films that relate to the topic.
- Alex from And so it begins... shares some of Brad Pitt's best performances. I should really see Se7en soon.
- Dan from Public Transportation Snob lists his 5 most anticipated films of the rest of 2012.
~ I shifted the "You Might Also Like" widget from LinkWithin to Outbrain because I didn't like many of the recommendations. The new one is much smarter.
Have a nice Sunday! - And in case my grandmother reads this, I wish you a happy birthday here too Oma!