The Path of Wisdom: Parenting the Inner Child

By Vikasacharya

The Path of Wisdom: Parenting the Inner Child

Posted by Vikas Acharya on December 1, 2016

Beautiful and Neat Blog Post, Article Source:

Zen and the Art of Everyday Living

“It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise.” – George R. R. Martin

Before we get into the nitty gritty about wisdom and parenting the inner child, let’s first define our terms.  After looking high and low for a practical definition of wisdom and struggling to find one, my working definition of wisdom is as follows: the ability to determine the best course of action in a given situation, and the wherewithal to follow through with it.

While there are certainly times when the best course of action may be difficult to determine and we may need to do some research, make a list of pros and cons, or take some time for quiet contemplation, most of the time the best course of action is simply a matter of common sense. If we get overweight, the best course of action is to go on a…

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