The Part of London That Never Gets Old

By Epicadventurer_

There are days when London is an exhausting place to live, or worse, it starts to blend into the background of my day and stops feeling quite so special. Then, I walk down a street and catch a breath of air out of a proper chip shop, or walk into my aunt's house, where opening the door always takes me back to being six years old for a few moments.

Unsplash is a photo website, providing gorgeous free-for-use photography, and I use it a fair amount for my various projects. Today, I saw this photo come thrugh on their feed, and I just wanted to post it - something beautiful for a Friday.

No matter how many times I walk down Whitehall, or curse at the crowds by the London Eye (fun fact: I have a fear of Ferris wheels), the sight of Big Ben always makes me happy and reminds me what a wonderful city I live in. I remember when I was moving back to the States after my graduate program, and one of my last nights in town, I took myself to Westminster just to say goodbye to it. Cheesy, I know, to love such a cliche - but hey, the heart wants what it wants.