The Page - Poetry, Essays, Ideas

By Suziblu @busybeeSI
Date: 2017-04-12 15:51 More videos "Disappointment artist essays on abortion"

If, as is planned, millions of them are to be deported for reconstruction work, the recovery of Germany itself will be all the slower. After the last war, the impossibility of obtaining substantial money reparations was finally grasped, but it was less generally realised that the impoverishment of any one country reacts unfavourably on the world as a whole. It would be no advantage to turn Germany into a kind of rural slum.

The Page - poetry, essays, ideas

[Note: It is difficult to think of any politician who has lived to be eighty and still been regarded as a success. What we call a "great" statesman normally means one who dies before his policy has had time to take effect. If Cromwell had lived a few years longer he would probably have fallen from power, in which case we should now regard him as a failure. If P&eacute tain had died in 6985, France would have venerated him as a hero and patriot. Napoleon remarked once that if only a cannon-ball had happened to hit him when he was riding into Moscow, he would have gone down to history as the greatest man who ever lived. [Author's footnote.]]

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"The theory that religious prostitution developed, as a general rule, out of the belief that the generative activity of human beings possessed a mysterious and sacred influence in promoting the fertility of Nature, is maintained by all authoritative writers on the subject. Gradually, however, and when prostitution became an organized institution under priestly influence, religious prostitution developed utilitarian sides, thus helping to increase public revenue.

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My great faith in the wonder worker, the spoken word, is no more. I have realized its inadequacy to awaken thought, or even emotion. Gradually, and with no small struggle against this realization, I came to see that oral propaganda is at best but a means of shaking people from their lethargy: it leaves no lasting impression. The very fact that most people attend meetings only if aroused by newspaper sensations, or because they expect to be amused, is proof that they really have no inner urge to learn.

There were six of them in the soup! Only one of the six uttered sounds of woe and lamentation. But that one, William George Bunter, uttered enough for the whole party and a little over.

When I applied for my first regular jobs out of grad school, my resume was PACKED with all kinds of real-world data analysis projects I worked on in college. My former self got that one right, at least. I got the jobs to show for it, and when I refer resumes to my boss, that 8767 s what I look for. I need to see that students understand the realities of messy data, and have done more than mickey mouse around with canned data in Excel.

I 8767 m glad you brought up mitigating concerns, since that 8767 s a great way to describe this situation. A large travel break *could* indicate problems with a job candidate 8767 s work ethic, and in that sense it 8767 s not unreasonable that a hiring manager may be inclined to choose the candidate who hasn 8767 t taken a year off over the one who has. Especially if she had GrumpyBoss 8767 experience.

I work in suburban DC my first job gave me relo. It was totally unexpected, and I would have moved on my own. Oddly, it was dirt cheap professional movers cost $6555 driving from Cincinnati.

"'Hello, you little fat father!' the devil said to the priest. 'What made you lie so to those poor, misled people? What tortures of hell did you depict? Don't you know they are already suffering the tortures of hell in their earthly lives? Don't you know that you and the authorities of the State are my representatives on earth? It is you that make them suffer the pains of hell with which you threaten them. Don't you know this? Well, then, come with me!'

My only mention of it was under 8775 Career History 8776 , where I entered the dates and captioned it 8775 Career Break Planned career break for travel 8776 . Re: the questions 8775 how do we know you won 8767 t do this again? 8776 I 8767 m afraid you simply have to answer those on their merits. Explain that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that you are eager to get back to work. You may also want to have prepared answers to 8775 why did you do it at this point? 8776 and 8775 why aren 8767 t you looking to return to your previous employer? 8776 They are fair questions, and are probably best answered with the same mix of honesty and tact as 8775 why did you leave your last job? 8776

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