The Oxygen Garden

By Kate_miller

Re-Blooming Beauty: Phaleanopsis Moth Orchid

Geez! Where did this month go? Zipping by at light speed. When I plopped down in front of my computer this morning, I started to panic...

Perky Little Primrose

 Did I pay for the house? The car?
Have I taken care of the rest o' those pesky bills?

Surprise blossom on the "I thought you were done flowering" Rose

 Apparently, I did. {Breathing sighs of relief} Though I have little recollection of these mundane tasks...

Can't live without the Kalanchoes

Because I'm still in vacation mode.
And, I'd kinda like to stay there for a good long time...

Argh. Mondays. Here's hoping you had a good one.
These are all the bright bloomers in the Oxygen Garden (aka the flowers blooming indoors, while we impatiently wait for spring.)
These pics were all taken with my iPhone. Hence the sub-standard quality and bodacious frames! ;>)

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