The Outstanding Breakfast at the Lotte Hotel Moscow

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion
Rating: 91/100


Menu Choices: 9/10

Food Presentation: 9/10

Food Temperature: 9/10

Food Taste: 18/20

Service: 9/10

Ambiance/Music: 10/10

Architecture/Interior: 9/10

Air Quality: 9/10

Total: 91/100

More about: Lotte Breakfast

Staying at the Lotte Hotel Moscow for couple of days was one of the best choices made during this trip. A five star high-end Korean brand serving a wonderful service for business and tourism travelers alike. Trying the breakfast at every hotel I stay at is a must for me. I believe that it is very important as it helps you understand the level of service and professionalism the establishment is offering. At the Lotte, the experience was outstanding.

Lotte is a 5 star hotel in Moscow, is ideally located on the New Arbat, the financial and shopping center of Moscow, and just a stone’s throw away from the Red Square, the Kremlin Palace, and the Bolshoi Theater. The Luxurious hotel features 300 elegant and spacious guest rooms and two top-notch restaurants. “Les Menus” is a French restaurant by 3-star Michelin Chef Pierre Gagnaire and “MEGU” introduces modern fusion Japanese cuisine.

At Lotte Hotel Moscow, you can enjoy the warmth and depth of Korean service.

Before reaching the buffet area, you are welcomed into Pierre Gagnaire’s Les Menus restaurant that is a magnificent piece of architecture. Golden finish, relaxing sofas, a neat reflective marble flooring, dimmed warm lighting with one of the unique things that restaurant has to offer; a pianist. Yes a gentle woman playing classical tunes for a fresh start of the day.

After choosing your table and relaxing in your corner, breakfast can now start the professional way. Two fork, two knives, silver cutlery, soft white table cloth, a thick tissue place-mat and a few other nice details.

The buffet has it all. Everything you imagine is offered for your enjoyment, even soft drinks and caviar.

Some of the items that caught my attention:

Salmon, Caviar, Sour cream, 10 different French cheese choices, all possible seasonal fruits, more than 10 different daily prepared bread, yogurt, homemade jams, cereals, 6 different hot prepared meals, viennoiseries and croissants and much more.

The stations: Egg and omelettes, fresh pancakes, cakes, bread, croissants.

Eat well, relax and read your paper, listen to some fine classical tunes. The perfect ‘three in one’ way to start a fresh day.

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