The Original Rudeboys

Posted on the 31 March 2013 by Thatswhatsheheard @sheheardblog

To all the new fans who are seeing The Original Rudeboys (love the name guys!) for the first time on their European tour with The Script. Don’t make them out to be too ‘mad, bad and dangerous to know’. Ned, Burch and Walsh are three fresh faced, crooners and are as much Alex Clare and Irish Folk as they are a mix of Professor Green, Ed Sheeran and Jamie T. With a lot to say, as well as some serious talent between them (how many people could rock a blues solo on a ukelele?). These boys brought a different, if not nineties vibe, to the hosts of the O2 Arena last Sunday.

There were some great soulful elements to their first line up of songs, including some heavy Spanish acoustic and some really down to earth blues influences. Then the rap started, giving us the feel of Abz and J from Five. It sounded a bit disjointed at first, with the lead sounding more Jason Mraz than Nick Carter (yes there was a moment where they sound a little like The Backstreet Boys).

It has to be said that when the rapping started we did think oh no ‘Not Another Goldie Lookin Chain‘ because to be honest the Irish accent is pretty full on when you’re not used to it, but if you zone in on the lyrics you can hear that he has some big things to say.

Definitely by the last song: ‘Live Your Life’ there was much more of a mind meld of the three different styles that the boys had, they began to act and move like a band. No longer were they just three lads who had turned up at the pub to sing a gig. The vocals were classic and edgy (with a surprising and pleasing vocal from the rapper) and you could get a taste of just who these guys were trying to be.

Just before they left us to the main act however, the boys pulled out a final rocky dubstep instrumental. With classic chords and some decent semi-shredding. It had the effect of really getting the crowd going.

The ORBs are now embarking on their own little mini tour of Ireland after their stint with The Script. So here’s hoping this has given them the exposure they need and that some lovely label people will pick them up and help hone their style, so they one day be as big as The Script.


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