The Open Road - Technology - 3d Computers

Posted on the 04 March 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
I mean, we all know computers are three dimensional ...
I think what this Open Road Tech article means is 3D Display. Do you like what I did there, guys? One search hit on Free Planet, and you've got yourselves a feature article. That's the power of information acquisition. I even took the trouble to go find a movie of the thing in action for ya!
Anyway, onto your feature - a real 3D Display for your here-soon laptop future.
This one's from a recent TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference. And I like it a lot. And you'll like it too. You'll like the way you've gotta INSERT YOUR HANDS under the screen like it's a mini stocks, or a pair of corporate handcuffs. You'll like the feeling of being even more chained to your bottomline rented workspace than you ever were merely Websensed to a flat i.e. 2D, team pizza monitor.
I digress into the Free Planet i.e. unwanted, polemic -- here's footage of the goggle-eyed slave gadget.
PS: I love a good coincidence, same as any other man ... on my way back home, like just twenty minutes ago, I passed a poster for the new Stephenie Meyer film The Host and came across the eerily all-seeing-eye teaser trailer upon my return. Guess which film studio it's by?  Open Road. LOL, isn't that just perfect kismet?