“The Only Thing I Hate More Than Communists Are Anti-Communists”

Posted on the 09 May 2016 by Calvinthedog

First of all, I want to say that I agree somewhat with a famous Russian dissident who said, “The only people I hate more than Communists are anti-Communists.”

Sure, Communism has some issues to be sure, and I’m not exactly a Leninist myself. But however bad Communists are, anti-Communists are so much worse. By anti-Communism I do not mean reasonable people who simply feel that Communism is a lousy idea. I mean the anti-Communist fanatics, most of whom are about as insane as any other fanatic. Anti-Communists lie, and they are crazy. Most of what they say about Communism is nothing but lies. Communism has a pretty serious downside, and you would think they could limit themselves to the facts and still make their case, but no, they have to lie like all ideologues. First of all, truly socialist or Left anti-Communists are not common. I do not mind such folks myself. You would be interested to know that most of the Cuban dissident groups (last time I checked there were 250 different groups) are actually socialists, albeit social democrats. Socialist anti-Communists are fairly common in places like the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany and honestly most of Europe nowadays. Most of Europe has been socialist for a long time now, but it is a ty0pe of socialism (social democracy) that is pretty hostile to Communism.

The nutcases in Europe are the psychos who run the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO), most people in the Baltics, far too many East Europeans, way too many Finns and the entire political caste of the UK, where there has not been any Left since Tony Blair destroyed it in the 1990’s. The NATO maniacs are actually fascists and they have long had links to Nazi and fascist organizations all over Europe.NATO set u the Gladio Network or Stay Behind Network which was supposed to conduct guerrilla war in case of a Soviet takeover of Western Europe. Unfortunately almost everyone in Gladio was either a fascist or an out and out Nazi. During the Cold War, the Gladio Network was not somnolent but was actually active. They carried out assassinations all over Europe for decades and in Italy they set off many false flag bombings which they blamed on the Left during the Strategy of Tension. The US, NATO and the CIA were up to their necks in all of this insanity.

The US-backed Nazi government in Ukraine is based on the Gladio Network in that region.

Anti-Communists are almost always rightwingers, and they are some of the worst, that is murderous, rightwingers of all. And they have a curious definition of Communist. You raised the minimum wage? You are a Communist who needs to be removed in a coup or shot, and the CIA will help us do just that. You a member of a labor union? You are a Communist who needs to be killed. Are you anyone who is leftwing in any way? You are a Communist. Everyone on the Left from the wimpiest reformist to the guerrilla with an AK-47 is a Communist who needs to be killed.

Anti-Communists are truly the worst. And the tragic and enraging part is that anti-Communists have been running the US state via the Deep State since World War 2, and since World War 2, US culture has been based on the same insane anti-Communist philosophy as the ideologues. The true religion of America after 1945 was Anti-Communism.