The Only Eye Rolls That Matter

By Stacylrust

The ultimate shame-inducer… the eye roll.

We think we can avoid it.

We think if we step in exactly the right place, at the right time, nobody will roll their eyes.

We hope that somehow we can avoid the painful judgment of others.

But, in reality, there are always people rolling their eyes at us.

Whether it’s in person, behind closed doors, or in the comments section of your blog. There will always be someone who is judging.


There’s no avoiding it.

But, if you’re being honest, you’re probably rolling your eyes at them too. At their cynicism, at their anger, at their apathetic response to everything you find important.

We all roll our eyes.

And, we all feel the pain of it.

But, when it comes right down to it, those aren’t the eye rolls that get in our way.

The only eye rolls that matter are your own.

The only eye rolls that actually stop you are yours.

When you sit up at night, dreaming of what your life could be, do you stop yourself with an eye roll?

Do you tell yourself it’s foolish?

Do you tell yourself it’s not possible for you?

Do you roll your eyes at the phrase “follow your dreams”?

A lot of people do.

I don’t give a damn who is rolling their eyes at you.

Because, someone will always be doing that.

There’s no way around that.

But, I do care about your eyes.

If you’re rolling your eyes at your own dreams, that’s worth investigating.

That’s worth getting to the bottom of.

That’s the first problem to solve.

That’s step one.

No more eye rolls at yourself.

Eye rolls are for the cynics, and you’re no cynic.

Your dreams deserve better than that.