The One With The Pizza Forensics

Posted on the 30 June 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Dear Devoted Readers:

I well and truly do not know where to begin because I usually begin with my least favorite things and then head into ‘VIKING’ territory. Saving the best for last is ALWAYS the way to go when writing about this show. I am afraid I cannot even do that properly my friends. Don’t get it twisted, seeing the Viking again made my heart skip a beat but…yes there is always a but. I did have I have issues with it.


OPENING SCENE: A tall, handsome man in a nice suit walking confidently through a courtyard and down a hallway….wait does this not sound a wee bit familiar to you all?

It is just slightly reminenscent of Alex’s Calvin Klein ads where he is all sexy, confident and dominant. Not that there is anything wrong with that. *Just a reason for me to shamelessly add one of the said ads right now*

I am not ashamed, I honestly love that man and anything he ever will produce.

He stands in front of a window with his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, appearing to be waiting on his lover and in walks Jason Stackhouse (record scratching the alluring music from the CK commercial for I am pretending I did not hear ‘the bleeds’)! Jason may not be awake but I sure as hell am.

The ‘DREAM’ was oh so very hot, as I said don’t get it twisted. Alex and Ryan are very handsome, sexy fit men and they acted the hell out of the scene.

My problems with it are as follows:

1. I felt as if it was just done for the hell of it, that it was for ‘no particular reason’ other than “We knew we owed an Eric-Jason sex dream from last season” according to Barnow. I felt as if it was just another way to appease fans for any lack of Eric. In other words, it was the season 6 finale all over again in which they decided to appease us with seeing his wanker, except now it was a ‘sex dream’ . Oh let’s give them some male nudity of the Skarsgard/Kwanten variety and they will be verra happy.(that’s the fake Scottish brogue coming out in me via Outlander) It takes a bit more than that to make this Wench happy, especially in light of how Eric was found, infected with Hep-V. (Side note: are they seriously implying in the previews that Eric would commit suicide via Hep-V. That does not work for me).

2. We have been watching the show for 7 seasons now and we know what the effects are of ingesting a vampire’s blood by now. Drink my blood and you will have good ass sex dreams of me……….YAWN! WE KNOW ALREADY!

I am not going to touch on every single thing in this episode because if I did, I would drive myself mad so I am just going to touch on a few things and call it a day. OKAY? OKAY!


I have been off this show for a while now because it has gone so far over the top that it landed into the Twilight Zone. This final season is not even recognizable to me at all. I felt none of the joy or passion that I felt in the past. Only seeing Eric again gave me some of the old feels but they did not last long because it is clouded by all the other stuff going on. When he is around more, maybe those feelings will come back around to stay but only for him. The rest I could not be bothered with too much. I yawned and rolled my eyes A LOT! Everyone and everything just feels so disconnected from what we once knew.

The only sensible and smart one in the whole bunch was Andy, he has not forgotten the wrongs that has been done to him by a certain vampire and is not willing to forgive and forget (at least for now I hope it stays that way) unlike everyone else in the town, who can only blame Sookie. Jason and his use of ‘pizza forensics’ was worthy of a little chuckle. I always love Lafayette no matter what but the rest of the town I could not be bothered with.


Beauty and the beast…oh sorry got carried away. Sookie comes across the diary of the dead girl in the woods and (gasp) her story reads just like Sookie’s. Here we are folks: this is the start of the reunion of Bill and Sookie, these were not just parallels between the two woman, they were a carbon copy. It all started when a vampire walked into a bar and instantly the girl knew what he was and yet she was smitten…..YAWN I heard that one before. The vampire even took the girl to Fangtasia………..sound familiar? You can stop reading now Sookie, we get it! Then she gets her nostalgic look on and remembers the night she asked Bill to take her to Fangtasia. I can’t deal with stupid is as stupid does!

Girl in the red dress=GONE!

*Partial lyrics from ‘You Found Me’ by The Fray*
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

Not that Pam was not trying to find her maker but it was still ‘just a little late’. This had to have been the saddest thing I have seen in a TV show in a long time. There is something specific about the place she found him in and I know we will find out what that is in due time but right now I don’t care. if Alex was not giving the best of himself, I would take more issue with him being infected as it is nothing more than a plot device. As I said somewhere up above, if they expect me to think he got infected on purpose then they have another thing coming. That is simply not his style, not IMO. I was so happy to see him in the flesh (not just a dream)that I almost forgot about the Hep-V I knew he contracted. I was prepared for this, you see as a lot of us already knew from the picture being leaked. Still, some were shocked and heartbroken. That is all due to how the character is portrayed, KUDOS Alex! Kudos to KBVS as well!


5= it was awesome
4= it was okay, but could be better
3= meh
2= bloody sucks
1= it fucking blows

As far as the overall story in this episode is concerned, given all the OOC moments and characters, the reading of the ‘Hey, it’s me Sookie 2.0′ diary and lack of cohesion, I have to give it a big fat 0= STAKE ME NOW!

Seeing Eric again, live or Memorex=PRICELESS and that part gets a 5 but don’t mistake that for how I felt about the episode, TB powers that be, I am only letting Alex know that I am showing him love! As usual, sound off below!