The One With All The Dogs

By Khourianya @khourianya
The plan for the day was 2 hours at Nose Hill Park.  No speed, no distance...just a time.  Tina and I arranged to meet at 7:30am so we could hopefully beat the heat of the day.  

After a liberal coating of bug spray, we were on our way up the path...false start.  Tina couldn't remember if she locked her trunk so we were soon back in the parking lot before well and truly heading out.  And back up the steep steep hill to the top.

The first part of the path was wide and paved...not asphalt but the gravel either...kind of like solidified gravel.  This struck me as odd, because I didn't remember the park being paved at all.  Though the last time I ran there - it was November and single track snow...and before that it was probably 8 years ago or so.  So, it's possible things had changed.   It just wasn't the trail run I was expecting to head out on.
I could see the herd of deer that live in the park, but they were way off on another hillside so not really good for photos.
We were almost to the top of the hill when I thought I heard sirens...but they were far off and didn't seem to change in pitch.  It was only when we got close to a stand of trees that I heard the pups.  A young pack of coyotes were practicing their howls.  We never did see them, but it was quite something to hear them.
It is always so pretty at the can see forever.

Since we were all about enjoying the run today, we took a few fun shots of us running :) just can't take us anywhere without us snapping away the whole run...

and that was it for wildlife.   the rest was all domestic.  and canine.   Everyone and their dog (literally) was out in the park for a walk on a warm day.  and it was SUCH a warm day.

We ran up and to the north - all ont he pavement.  About 4k in or so, Tina started to have some tummy issues so we figured we'd head to the Edgemont lot and the washrooms. Soon, we headed out again.  We had to climb back tot he top of Nose Hill again and this time we were on a gravel path.  That gravel path soon became hill after hill.

That pic cracks me up.  It we're both pointing at the hills...but it looks like we have some secret, finger touching hand thing...
We ran along for a while and then came to this:
And decided to turn the run into a true trail run...
Oh yeah - I was taking my New Balance trail shoes for a test run.  I must say, they passed with flying colours.  

Everywhere we turned, there were puppies to pet..or snuggle like I did with this guy:
I love Berners.  If I could've convinced him, he would have come home with me.

I fear Tina may never run with me in an off-leash area again.   I probably spent half the run petting pups.

Soon it was closing in on the 2 hour point and we were headed back to the parking lot.   12k in the bag and a whole lot of baggage from the past week off our shoulders and hopefully left amongst the prairie grasses.

Definitely not the fastest 12k ever run LOL

and the Garmin Geekery

And I didn't quite beat 100km for the month of June...but 96km on a month where I was between training plans definitely isn't shabby. Not too shabby at all.