the One Where My Hair Falls Out.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

Ladies, I’m about to get real honest up in here.

It pains me to tell you this, but I think you deserve to know that postpartum hair loss is a real thing.

I didn’t want to believe it, but you would be absolutely horrified if you saw the clumps of hair falling out of my head. I’m honestly shocked that I haven’t gone completely bald. My bathroom floor is covered in hair. My shower drain is on the verge of becoming clogged (don’t tell Brett). I have to clean my brush daily, and there are no less than twenty loose hairs on the back of my shirt, tickling my arms, all day every day. The worst of it occurred last Friday morning when I took a bite of scrambled eggs only to find… guessed it….a GIANT HAIR IN MY BREAKFAST.

It’s disgusting.

People told me that my hair looked extra thick while I was pregnant, especially after I posted our maternity pictures, but really, I didn’t notice a difference in my hair and thought I was still shedding about the same amount I always had. Allegedly, you don’t lose as much hair while you’re pregnant, so then you start playing catchup after you have the baby.

I’m trying not to panic. My hair stylist reassured me that I have plenty of hair. But when I look at the clumps (yes, CLUMPS) falling out in the shower, I can’t help but have a mini anxiety attack. I have no idea when this madness will end, but hopefully it stops before I need to start buying lots of this and lots of these.

p.s. That’s an old vacation photo of me drying my hair in Hawaii on the bed under a ceiling fan. Just call me an energy conservationist.

p.s.s. My blog is trying to figure out what it wants to be when it grows up. Would you mind filling out this quick survey? I would really, really appreciate it!