The No Jeans Dress Code

By Naturegirl321 @SharonTEFLTips

The No Jeans Dress Code

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I have a love-hate relationship with dress codes. I know they're a necessary evil. Some places have a strict no jeans dress code. I understand that you shouldn't be wearing ripped, faded jeans to class, but there are nice jeans out there. Premium denim trouser jeans often carry a hefty price tag. Dark denim can easily be dressed up and can be just as versatile as black pants.
I've seen women teach in harem pants, skin tight pants, and even mini skirts (but they're ok because they're not jeans). I've seen both men and women wear old ratty sweaters, jean jackets (somehow those are ok), and beat up shoes to the office. I think many places should ditch the no jeans dress code or at least change it. If it's professional, like dark denim, it should be ok to wear to work. If it's not professional, like a mini skirt, you shouldn't wear it. People should use common sense and not just ban jeans simply because they're denim.
Jeans Dress Code