The New Olympic Sport - Whipping Pussies!

By Davidduff

As we all know our TV screens are filled constantly with appalling sights of mass cruelty and violence and, to be frank, one becomes inured to it almost to the point of boredom.  So it's odd, really, that a tiny incident provokes horror and disgust far beyond its importance.  Today we 'enjoyed' the sight of those pretty and brave but stupid girls who form the Pussy Riot Rock Band being attacked at Sochi, in the Olympic spirit, of course, by a bunch of Russian men in uniform one of whom was whipping them with a knotted rope.

Photo from The Daily Mail

It's impossible to be certain but maybe this was done on the orders of 'Vlad the Impaler' who, according to reports, was visibly narked when the Russian ice-hocky team were thrashed by the Finns in the quarter finals.  Well done, plucky little Finland, you did it once before in 1939 and it's good to see you can continue your fine tradition of poking the Russian bear in the eye - this time with a hocky stick - and I hope you told them to 'puck off'!