The New 'Hundred Years War'

By Davidduff

Before I begin let me just say that there were only two spams last night so I am lifting 'comment moderation' and will wait with bated breath to see if the spam tsunami has passed.

The latest attack from Islamic forces in Kenya reminds us that we are at war and that it is a global war.  The world, not just any one country, faces a similar problem to that which we, the Brits, faced in Ulster where a tiny minority of ferocious extremists swam incognito in a river of mute public support particularly in the Republic.  Today, the whole globe faces threats from militant Islamicists who can hide with impunity amongst the huge and global Muslim community.  In my opinion, this war will last at least a hundred years, probably longer, because even though (by and large) we do them no direct harm, nevertheless, we offend and inflame Islamic feelings merely by existing!  Of course, that is not to suggest that all Muslims are fighters - I am not going to use the media-invented term 'terrorists' because all war is a form of terror and these men - and some women - are fighting their war using what they consider to be the best tactics available to them.  So we need to drop emotional media language and treat them as a military foe and do our best to match their tactics with our counter-measures.  There will be no grand victory, just a steady wearing down - of one side or the other!

I am slightly pushed for time today - I am i/c laundry services this morning but have been assured that I should look upon it as a promotion! - but I may return to the subject later.