The Netlix Effect...

By Girllostinabook
I came across the post that I did earlier in the year about changing the vision of this blog. After taking somewhat a break from it, I find that I am starting to find that passion again, but in a different way. I feel that I want to write more about books, reading habits and the culture of books and authors more than reviewing books all the time.   I come across ideas all the time, I just have a hard time of actually following through and writing about them. The latest one was how ironically my reading habits mimic my Netflix habit. I find myself getting drawn more and more to voluminous book series to kind of "binge" on a series for a while. I tend to find a series and hunker down for a few weeks and read them in order until the very last one and I do the exact same thing with Netflix. I binge one show at a time and apparently that holds true for my books as well. It seriously blew my mind for a little bit. 
Another one: Am I the only bookaholic who hates the smell of books? I think I might just be. I recently saw a Facebook post or something advertising candles for book lovers. I love candles and books. You think I would like candles that smell like books. Nope. And used books and old books, I would love to read you, but you smell so bad. I see book lovers all the time talking about how they love the smell of a musty old book and I really don't understand. My allergies will not let me.
I have been reading a book lately The Hidden Man by Robin Blake. I love Blake's writing and I have already decided that I will be writing a review on it. Make sure you stop by later this week for my take on this book.