The Need for Re-consecration to God

By None

The need is here for individuals – on their own, and in their families and communities – and for the whole world to re-consecrate itself to God our Father, so that evil, which is becoming increasingly manifest each day, will be vanquished and peace can come on earth. Two thousand and fifteen years after Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the one and only Father, came into the world, the latter has become pagan once again. The world, in fact, is in an even worse situation than it was originally, because denial and ignorance of the good cannot be claimed any longer.

We are human beings. Yet, we were made by spirits, for spirits, so that They could live in us, in each one of us, in the heart of our souls. But there are two types of spirits: the good spirits and the evil spirits, something many still confuse in this day and age by thinking all spirits are the same or are all benevolent and desire our good. Not so.

The good spirits are God the Father, God the Son – Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit – the Most Holy Trinity. The Father and the Spirit never became incarnate; They remained spirits. And even though Christ became incarnate and took on the flesh of man, He too is in His own right and in one of His natures a Spirit. They dearly wish to come and live in us, bringing joy, love, happiness and peace with Them. But unlike the evil spirits who have respect for no one and hatred for everyone, They will not override our will and shall not come to live in us and with us uninvited. We have to invited Them – something that is only just, considering the endless times They have invited us to live in Them and with Them, and we have turned a deaf ear to Their pleas.

Shall we, therefore, return to goodness, to love, to peace, to joy, to reason, to sanity by returning to God through re-consecration to Him? It is insufficient at this point in time to do anything less, because many if not most of us have become desecrated through our own will, by our sins of commission and omission. And God will not live where the darkness of sin resides. He simply cannot do so as He is pure, immaculate.

We need to be made pure anew and the easiest way of attaining this purity is through re-consecration to Him, as did the Maccabees in their own time (2 Mac 2:1-12). Shall we, therefore, become re-purified individually, as a people, as a nation, as an entire world of nations through His Holy Spirit, so that He can accept our “yes” and let flow all the graces needed from His Divine Heart, in order for evil to be quenched and peace be granted to the whole world? Or do you desire to keep on doing nothing about it, shirking all personal and societal responsibility, and see the world become purified through multiple nuclear holocausts, water, fire, and blood; some of which have already started to happen around the globe?

Every individual, every family, every community, every society, every nation is going to be purified. The only issue left for us to determine at this point in time is how this purification is going to happen. What would you like it to be? How would you like it to take place? The choice is in your hands and God awaits your answer. Decide.