The Name Game

By A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum
One of the most interesting things to do during pregnancy is coming up with names for your baby.
When I have a big tummy, I like to scroll through long lists of baby names and see which pique my interest. Sometimes, I also read gossip news about celebrity mums who gave birth and find out with curiosity on what they decide to name their kid.
A list of some of the 2012 celebrity babies:
Bruce Willis - Mabel Ray (daughter)
Hilary Duff - Luca Cruz (son)
Beyonce - Blue Ivy (daughter)
Reese Witherspoon - Tennessee James (son)
Drew Barrymore - Olive (daughter)
Stefanie Sun, one of my all-time favorite singers, is now preggie with a Dragon baby too and I'm looking forward to knowing if it's a boy or girl and what she's going to name her Singaporean-Dutch kid.
Ok, enough of the celebrity babies.
Back to ordinary folks like my family, I'm assuming it's also common to have dinner topics with the hubby about baby names and together, you come up with some of the most ridiculous names. Yes yes?
For instance, my hubby's surname is Low. Yes, as in the English word Low. 
We came up with some names that would probably be one of a kind.
Har Low
Energy Low
Battery Low
The hubby was trying to think of something that's good when it's low and he ended up with this.
Cholestrol Low
*dot dot dot*
As you probably can guess, I kind of like names which are also English words (Think Summer and Angel) and there were certain names that I liked but sadly, the surname caused them to be eliminated instantly.
Faith Low
Hope Low
Joy Low 
Do you have an unique family name and how has it affected your baby naming?
Today I wanna share with you about a letter of the alphabet that holds a very special place in my heart.

I'm sure you know that letter. It's the first of the 26.
Yes, A for Angel. A for A Happy Mum. But have you ever guessed why? Hint: Think Paris.
Ta-dah! Yes, it's because of the Eiffel Tower, the very place where the hubby proposed and our love blossomed.
In fact, this special tower has always been a part of our story ever since. It was featured on our wedding invitational cards and on our wedding bands which we designed ourselves, the words "A Fairytale Union" were engraved and that letter 'A' was in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. No, you can't see it from this pic because the words are inside, but how cool is that, to have an Eiffel Tower on your ring!
So you see, for our second baby, we already have in mind a name for her. Yes, no prizes for guessing which letter it begins with.
Well, which among the sea of names starting with 'A' did we choose?
Woohoo, I'm keeping you in suspense till more updates next month!
Is there any letter of the alphabet which holds a special place in your heart? How did you decide on your baby's name? Do share!