The Museum of Contemporary Art Will Look a Little Different in 2017

By Urbanmatter Chicago @UMatterChicago

Plans are in way for a reimagining of the MCA’s existing spaces

Photo Credit: Museum of Contemporary Art

Without expanding its overall size, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago will redesign parts of its space and add new elements to create a more interactive experience for visitors. The plans, led by architects out of Los Angeles, will total to $16 million.

The most notable addition is a new restaurant, which will attract more people to gather and enjoy art, food, and conversation. It will be led by Jason Hammel of Lula Cafe and the Pilot Light organization. The interior design of the restaurant and the mural serving as its focal point will be created by award-winning British artist Chris Ofili.

Another exciting feature will be called the “Commons,” a space that’s open to the public that will function as a lounge and artists’ workshop area. A design team from Mexico will lead this portion of the project, incorporating unique foliage and custom, multi-functional furnishings.

The renovations are slated to be complete by June of next year. The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago is one of the largest museums in the world for contemporary work, featuring collections from notable artists like Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol. The museum will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2017.

Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago website to buy tickets to visit and to find current exhibitions and programs.

Source: The New York Times