The Mummy Tag!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
The other day the lovely Kerry from Ohsoamelia tagged me to do 'The Mummy Tag'. I thought it would be a fun tag to do so you can get to know me a bit more and my life as a mom to a toddler! I am tagging you all so feel free to take part too! 1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum?I'm a stay at home mom but I guess you could say I work from home too as I earn a living from my blog :)2. Would you have it any other way?It would be nice to have more money, obviously, but I couldn't imagine not being at home with Abbie, my personal view is that the first few years are the more important in a childs life, its where they learn the most and really need a routine, so for me it works better this way! Plus as I said above, I earn money from my blog which I'm so grateful for, our rent & bills are all covered so we're happy..although if I didn't have this, I would probably have to go back to work!3. Do you co-sleep?Yes, it wasn't planned, but she wouldn't sleep in her moses basket at night, we'd rock her to sleep and put her down and within minutes she would wake up and the whole process would start again..we did what we had to do for more sleep & it worked wonders. We now have her toddler bed pushed up against ours so she sleeps in there for some of night then crawls over to us if she stirs, it works well for us and I wouldn't change it for anything! Once she's ready and understands better, she will have her own room and bed, we won't make the situation stressful for her, when she's ready, no sooner :)4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?Can I say boob??? Haha..seriously I don't know what I would do if I didn't breastfeed her, if she hurts herself, boob comforts her, if she's tired and grumpy, it calms her down and gets her to sleep, if she's teething, it soothes her & it provides so many nutrients and anti-bodies too, it really is a lifesaver!5. How many kids do you plan on having?I don't really know, I change my mind all the time..I used to want a big family but after suffering so badly with post natal anxiety, I wasn't sure if I wanted another one at all...Recently though I've been thinking about having another one and it doesn't seem so daunting now, Abbie was our first so I think we made certain mistakes and took all the easy options too, and learning as we went time round we have an idea of what to expect! So for now i'll say I don't know, we shall see :). I would love to adopt in the future too, I don't think I could go through my life knowing there are so many children out there who just want a loving home and arms to cuddle them, and not giving them the chance to have everything they've ever wanted and to be day I will adopt, mark my words :)6. Date night? How many nights per month?Oh boy,  we haven't had one in a looooong time, my anxiety got in the way of that, I hated leaving Abbie for even 5 minutes, so dates took a set back, although I am really in a good place now so they can probably start up again soon, even just a meal somewhere for an hour or two would be amazing,  some quality time together :)7. Your childs favorite show?Anything with Justin...(Fletcher, not Bieber!), Mr Tumble especially, she copies al the signing and as soon as it comes on the telly she says 'Hi Justin', so cute!8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?Her cot! Haha! Although we didn't actually buy it as it was handed down but she never slept in there, no matter how many times I decorated her room to make it pretty for her! 9. Your child’s favorite food?Grapes! She absolutely loves them! Usually she tries to fit as many as she can in her mouth which isn't too clever but she could quite easily eat about 20 a day if I let her! Green ones are her favourite, especially when they've been in the fridge and are nice and cold on her gums :)10. How many cars does your family have?Just the one, I don't drive but really really want toby the end of the year, or at least before we have another baby!11. Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after and now?I was 131lbs before I was pregnant, I gained 28lbs throughout which put me up to 159lbs, I then lost a grand total of 44lbs, putting me at 115lbs which is considered to be underweight for my height...that was down to my anxiety mainly as I really found it hard to eat anything, I was also breasteeding and Abbie went through a stage of only falling asleep in her pram so I would walk about an hour or two every day...I'm now much healthier at 140lbs and working my way down to 130lbs by eating better & exercising :)12. Dream holiday with your kids?Disney World Florida!I always wanted to go as a child but never got the chance to, I want Abbie to go to all of them eventually but Florida first, watching her little face the whole time will be so precious!13. Dream holiday without your kids?Honestly? I'd love a holiday to Ireland, i've never been but it's at the top of my to go to list, the countryside, the people, everything, just a nice romantic break just Ben & I! I'm not a big fan of very hot weather, I can't sit and sunbathe all day by a pool or the  beach, I get so bored!14. How has your life changed since your baby has been born?It's put a lot of things into perspective, I no longer stress about the little things or worry as much about petty things, I have learnt how to be patient and how precious life really is, it's true what they say, you've not known love until you have a child of your own, boy is it a strong bond and feeling!15. Finish the sentence: 'It makes my heart melt to see … 'Abbie smile in her sleep :)16. Where do you shop for your kids?Oh goodness, do you want to know them all? I looove finding bargains so am always looking online at the best deals, my favorite places though are Matalan, Sainsbury's, ASDA & eBay! They always have such nice things throughout the year and their prices are amazing!17. Favourite makeup and skincare products?Favourite makeup product is definitely my Collection concealer, so perfect for those under eye circles! Oh and I'm loving Green People's organic range at the moment as well as Johnsons baby lotion as moisturiser, it makes my skin super soft!18. Huggies or Pampers?Pampers, we trie Huggies but they leaked EVERY time, and when you have a newborn with those horrendous poo's, you don't want any of that stuff leaking anywhere!!19. Have you always wanted kids?Yes, I felt like I was born to be a Mummy, I have looked after so many babies and children and just loved it, I was brought up as an only child and always wanted a baby brother or sister to play with and look after so it was never a hesitation to have my own!20. Best part about being a mum?Knowing that she will always love me, no matter what happens..& that I get to have her in my life forever :) I tag all of you mummies to do this and would love for you to post your links below so I can take a read!x